Sunday, December 26, 2010

Wishing You a Merry Appa Ka BAR!!!

That makes no sense what so ever. But I'm in Indonesia, It's Christmas and I am totally Merry. Although I am in a culture that doesn't really celebrate Christmas, Beryl (Another Perth Exchange Participant) and I managed to have an awesome Christmas.

It all started with a really nice Christmas Eve with Friends:
I also went swimming that day in the pool at the hotel down the street, so I am a little bit burnt. Christmas Eve was really nice as we all came to this really expensive house and chilled. The house belonged to this very lovely elderly woman who is part of the host family program AIESEC Bandung runs. However because she has been sick lately hasn't taken in any interns. Her house is HUGE and we took heaps of photos.

We had dinner at this satay kebab place. It smelled really good but I just had some ice cream :)
When Christmas Day hit, it was time for my Host Family to open the presents I got for them and for me to open the presents they got me. They gave me a very beautiful shawl with intricate designs and a awesome looking shirt. I got the family Pictionary. And my Host Sister a silver bangle. They've been asking me to teach them English so I got them Pictionary to speed up the process. I'm starting to think, maybe I should have gotten them Monopoly, but that game is so long winded and sometimes uber boring.
After Lunch it was off to Paris Van Java, the biggest Mall in Bandung. A photo of this can be seen in an earlier blog where I am standing in a sunflower garden. I went with Beryl. When we eventually got there. And I say eventually because traffic was so bad, for what was a 15 minute journey by Taxi, took us an hour. When we eventually got there, the Taxi driver didn't have enough change so we ended up giving him 100,000 Rp (RIPPED OFF!), should have told him to bugger off. Paris Van Java was decorated with a lot of Christmas Decorations. It was really pretty and Beryl and I had a stella of a time taking pictures.

It was either watch a movie or ICE SKATING... hmmm... we looked at the movie and with only Harry Potter and a few unknown Kid Movies to see we looked at each other and made our way to where we thought the Ice Skating rink was. Note: We had no idea where we were going and can't really speak Bahasa, so it took us a while to find it.

In the end we only found the place by giving up and making our way to Starbucks where we found a sign that said Skating. The place was amazing, and as a person that studies construction I was interested in seeing the ice skating rink built on the roof of the mall. 

My shoes were very tight, and although they fitted me length ways I found my feet were squished into them. I only got two blisters though, but we weren't skating for long as we were waiting for Berly's cousins to arrive at PVJ (Paris Van Java).

When I was skating I stacked it once, and when I got up I couldn't help notice the locals taking Pictures of me as Beryl helped me into a standing position once again. I guess they couldn't help taking a photo of the 'white girl' falling over. Beryl stacked it twice. It was really funny to watch!

 We are so Graceful!!!

When Beryl's cousins arrived it was off to The Duck King, a very nice Chinese restaurant. My family and friends are most probably going to laugh at this, but although I am one of the most annoying fussy eaters on the face of the planet, when I sat down with Beryl and ate what I am assuming is Duck amongst other things my mouth had a mini orgasm. It was SO good!!! Duck + Chinese Cuisine = MOUTH ORGY. I'm sorry for the descriptive equation but seriously, there is no other way to describe it, unless you come here and try it yourself. *wink*

 One of the Best Restaurant Meals I Have Ever Had

I went on this trip expecting to find spending Christmas and New Year away from my home in Australia hard and sad. But it was far from that. Instead I had heaps of fun, met new people, enjoyed new food and celebrated Christmas in a new style - On Ice in Another Country!

Merry Christmas and Have a Happy New Year!

Lots of Love - xo Shez

Saturday, December 25, 2010

WILD!!!! Indonesia

IN - DOE - NAY - SHA *clap* *clap* ~ *clap**clap* ~ *clap*

Yes, I know that is not the correct spelling however this is the chant you need to sing if you are supporting Indonesia in Soccer/Football. And sing it I did as I joined my Host Sister in watching Indonesia play the Philippines in the Semi Final of the Asian Federation Football Cup.

Indonesia won 1 to 0. The atmosphere was electric. When their national athem played the whole stadium sang proudly the song they connected to as a country. I didn't understand a single word but as I stood there, overlooking thousands of people and the players on the soccer field I couldn't help getting goosebumps as the passion of the crowd over took me. I continually thought Phillipines didn't stand a chance as I looked out and all I saw was a sea of red and white, cheering loudly and proudly for their country. It was the greatest experience of my life.

I travelled to the football match with Putri's University Group. It was interesting to meet all the new people, and although I was shy at first and some of the people were distant by the end of it I had made a lot of new friends. 

Honestly I was a bit nervous in going to the football game as I was a foreigner, and hardly looked Indonesian. I thought I would be treated as an outsider, however that was defiantly not the case. The group I traveled with to the game took photos with me, joked with me, talked to me, helped me, cheered with me, gave me a really really STRONG coffee O.O and most of all befriended me.  I'll never forget this day, it was purely amazing and 100% fun!

Police Dude Wanted a Picture With Me... (I Wonder Why...?)

Monday, December 20, 2010

A Week In...

Thank you for all those following my blog. I have a few things to talk about in this update. But first I have not only managed to get a photo of the cute baby girl in my Host Family - CHA CHA, but an awesome video!!!


This week I have been attending schools and showing them comparisons between Australia's environmental conditions and Indonesia's. Basically our message within schools is Global Impact. We're trying to make them start thinking on a global level, so when they burn they're trash or another km of rainforest is cut down for money they will understand it is affecting not only Indonesia's environment but other countries to. And to fix the current problem of global warming and the unpridictable weather only a global community working together to make a positive impact will in the end make a change. And to prove this point even further, Western Australia now has flooding in Canarvon, and Bandung, Indonesia is in their wet season and it hasn't really rained at all. But when it does it's short and heavy and causes land slides due to the soil being made out of clay and absorbing all the water.

 Please Leave Your Shoes At The Front Door...
80 People at the Welcome Event - A Bit Squishy =)

I also had my AIESEC Bandung Welcome Party, all there current interns attended. Turns out, I'm not the only tall Bule here. There is a New Zealander here exactly the same height and stuff, but she has straight hair. I'll post a few pictures of the event. It was really interesting to see the culture of the LC. LC bandung has over 200 members, they are a Local Committee Based on a City instead of a University. I continue to take notes of the Local Committee. I talked to Laode and my coaching of their X+L (exchange plus leadership) team is still to be organised. They will be contributing 50% of their reserve money into the team to boost X+L. I think coaching this team can really benefit me in my coaching skills so I am eager to start.

My Hair here as been HORRIBLE! I should shave it off, like Leo did. Nah I am only joking - I love my hair, it's only just going through a rough patch. If I get the front all looking nice the back is all APHRO >< If I get the shape all good, I have little bits of hair sticking up making it look all APHRO >< In the end I give up and let it go all WILD. Here are some photos at my attempt to style my hair in Indonesia : P

This week I also rode on the back of a motorbike. I was sitting in Mac Donald's waiting for my lift when an AIESEC-er rocks up with a motor bike (a very small and skinny motor bike) I'm like will that even go with me on that. It was REALLY scary and i had a death grip on his shoulder the entire time. I think I went three shades whiter. But none the less it was really fun!

Anyways, stay tuned for my next blog. It will be based on the Indonesia VS. Philippines Semi Final AFF Soccer match I went to the other day. You can see a lot of the pictures on my Face Book. This afternoon I have a meeting with my NGO about more school Presentations, so I will also be talking about that as well.
Love You All!!!
xo shez

Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Is That a VoLcAnO?

Written 7.36 pm 12/12/2010

Question: How many people can you fit on a motorbike?

Answer: 4-5 (Two Adults, One toddler, 1 -2 babies) NOTE: Toddler must go on shoulders.

(This Motor Bike has Three People on it) The Baby is at the Front wearing a Pink Helmet.

I have to say one thing. In a space of 1 minute I must of counted 50 road violations. The Australian Police would have a field day in Bandung and be able to pay off all Government Debt attributed to the Police force through the money they received through the fines they issue. It’s just amazing I haven’t seen anyone crash and die yet.

(Traditional Indonesian Food - Num num num...)

That aside, I think my stomach is about to burst!!! :O I have eaten so many different kinds of food. Sweet bread to Bakso (traditional Indonesian dish) to pasta carbonara. I found when my Host Family offered me food I couldn’t say no. Yesterday morning I had fried banana, and when we were walking through some markets, Ma ma (my Host Family Mother, NOTE: I have been adopted LOL) pointed to some fried banana. Well one thing lead to another and I said yes so lots of fried banana for me. (YUM!)

Did I mention I saw the crater of a Volcano today? No...? Well I totally did! And it was smoking. And hell cold. I don’t know whether my Host Family had planned to take me there today, I think it all started when we were driving up a hill and I tried to take a snap of the view in the car. But I stuffed up the photo. Dimas asked me if I liked things like that and I said yes. From there it was off to the volcano after lunch. It was an amazing experiencing. And did I say cool? Because on this mountain or volcano whatever takes your fancy, the temperature dropped astronomically.

 (This was a Fantastic Experience!!!)

There were small shops all around the volcano, and walking along a wide walkway lined with shops the t-shirt ‘I LOVE BANDUNG’ caught my eye. So I walked towards it. The woman in the shop was like ‘Haloh Bule’. I pointed to the shirt and said how much. She said 55,000 Rp, (5$ in Aus) I said no and started to walk away she said some word I didn’t catch. Then Petri (My Awesome Host Sister) came up behind me as I was going, and told me the woman wants to bargain with me and so with the help of my Host Sister I got two shirts for 50,000 Rp. But in the end my Host Family Father (Ayah) paid for it. So watch out guys. I have two ‘I LOVE BANDUNG’ Shirts and I am not afraid to use them!

(Bargaining for T-Shirts - I Kinda Feel Guilty...)

Today I got called Bule a lot, but quietly. I think they get put off because I’m so tall. So I am a HUGE Bule and they think I will squash them. MUHAHAHAHA. Sometimes I catch them standing behind me and taking a photo, I’m like ‘Awww they are two shy to ask – LOL’

When I was walking up a small hill to get a better view of the volcano, there were kids sitting at the side. I noticed they were all staring at me and whispering. So I said, ‘Haloh!’ it’s funny to watch people register that I’m a Bule that knows a bit of the language. They all smile and grow friendly because of it, so it motivates me to learn more.

Well I am off to bed, I’m might wear my ‘I Love Bandung!’ Shirt tomorrow to the Junior High School I am going to. Nighty night! Xo Shez

Saturday In Bandung

Written 8.19 am 12/12/2010

Okay: Key points only... I don’t want this turning into some sappy blog.

So I landed in Jakarta, via Depassar. I ticked the narcotic drug box on my quarantine piece of paper as I was going through customs... Nothing. They didn’t search me or anything. Just waved end through. I’m half waiting for them to barge through my host family’s door and arrest me. I thought that was funny.

(Me and Leo On the Bus to Bandung!!!) Wasn't expecting it to Flash...

From there I piled onto the bus. Did I mention there are no road rules in Indonesian. And me and Leo had the first two seats, right at the front, watching as the bus went from one side of the road to the other into oncoming traffic. Small and thin motor bikes were swerving with great accuracy between the trucks, cars and our bus. Beeps were flying backwards and forth. I discussed with Leo what type of beeps meant what. In the end we agreed;
• Quick and sharp beep: What’s going on ay?/I’m in your blind spot (since I had to move around you because you’re moving too slow...)
• Long and prolong beep: Can you move out of my way now!
• Lots of Long and Prolonged beeps in quick precession: What the F*** are you doing? Cutting me off like that?

When I got off the bus there were men shouting in Bahasa, asking me whether I wanted a taxi and an umbrella. I only know this because the lady I befriended on the seat next to me, told me what they were asking. They kept asking me, eventually I said ‘tidak’ and from then on they just kept staring at me. Especially the small boy leaning on the pole. In fact, here everyone stares at me.

My Host Family sister say’s I should expect to be called ‘Bule’ though it hasn’t happened yet. It means foreigner with white skin and blond hair. My Host Family’s house is really nice. It has two storeys and a HUGE gate outside. I’m still getting use to the toilet and cold shower. But I will manage.

(In the Middle of the Biggest Mall in Bandung) Standing in the Sunflower Garden

I went out yesterday to the biggest shopping mall in Bandung. The streets are so busy and crowded. As Bagus told me the traffic here is very congested, especially so on a Saturday when people come down from Jakarta to shop. As we moved slowly along the roads to our destinations, people walked in the middle of the traffic, either begging or selling drinks or toys. This one time I saw a child curled up sleeping next to a fence. My heart dropped. Sure I have seen homeless children in the streets on Perth, but this child was so young and he looked like he had no mother.

(Crap Toy this Man was Trying to Sell in the Middle of the Street) Note: He didn't leave me alone after I took the picture... Just kept standing in the MIDDLE of the street... Staring at me....

Everything is so raw here. And it’s really hit me in the heart. Basically if you aren’t born into a family with ‘X Y Z’ then your standard of living is crap. Sure I knew that living in Australia, because I was born in Australia in the first place, so I had X Y Z and then some. But here you see it on such a basic and raw level. You see people struggling to survive, taking each day as there last unless they get that 1000 Rp bill from a kind stranger as they drive along.

I was really tired at the end of my first day. Taking everything in, trying to listen to broken English and learn the beginnings of Bahasa. But today it has paid off. I am surprising even my host family with how fast I am learning the language. They say I am a quick learner. I think it is TOTALLY AWESOME learning a new language.

(Dimas my brother and Putri my Sister) They are an Awesome Host Family!!!

Did I mention the children here are SO CUTE!!!! My host family has a little boy called Dimas and a baby girl. Dimas was shy to talk to me at first, but with some English jokes and some shopping he’s come around. The cute baby girl, who is eight months, stares at me as if I am a creature from Mars. I can just imagine her thought bubble “That tall white tree doesn’t look like my Dad or Mum, What the?...” I have taken plenty of photos of Dimas, but haven’t managed to take a snap of the cute baby girl.

Well stay tuned for my next blog. I’m off now to spend the Sunday with my Host Family. I’ll write another post to talk about my day!

Xo Shez

Perth International Airport

Written: 1.02pm Friday (10/12/2010)
That warm, strong but urging feeling is going to hit me when I’m half way to Indonesia. Yep, that’s right, the NEED TO PEE! I may not have mentioned this before but this is the first time I am travelling overseas (and by myself to!). Getting to the ‘Departure Section’ of Perth’s International Airport was needless to say difficult.

Being told by my family to pack things I couldn’t survive without in my carry-on luggage, I packed items such as sunscreen, water in a water can, Aero guard [TROPICAL STRENGTH], Dettol hand wash thingy which all may of pissed security off a bit (whoops)...

Things I did wrong (In which Pissed off Airport Security and Customs Peeps):
1.       Entering the Departure area. Had Perth water in my water can. The Security guard made me Skull it... [Hence the NEED TO PEE! Will soon hit...]
2.       Put the wrong flight number on my Immigration Green Card. But how was I suppose to know which number is which. I can’t read Indonesian.
3.       Left my passport in my passport case as I handed it in for checking with the Immigration Green Card. This pissed the lady off HEAPS. Coz then she had to open the protective case, use her hand muscles to grip my passport and pull it out and then open the passport booklet... [so hard]
4.       Tried going through the Bag checking system thing with my laptop in the bag.
5.       Tried again going through the bag checking system with sunscreen, my empty water can, dettol and TROPICAL STRENGTH aero guard.
6.       Second time lucky... However my banana boat sunscreen is no longer with me on this trip...
*moment of silence for the loss of my sunscreen...*

I think that’s about it because now my water can is filled with none other than Perth water, because there was a water fountain near by (MUHAHAHA) they can take my water, but they can never take my ability to fill up :P It’s so weird though, they take the water off me but then there’s a water fountain to re-fill water bottles and cans less than 2 metres away from me... I can just see tomorrow’s papers saying “Terrorist Attack On Perth International Airport: Water Main Weapon”

I’d prefer to get felt up to find a bomb then get rid of water. But I guess that’s my opinion. I’m not allowed to take photos either, so that is why this blog has no photos connecting to the moment. I don’t have that feeling like I have forgotten anything. But if I have I’m sure I will cope and deal with the situation if it arrives.

I’m also not allowed to use my phone, so I’ll just use this blog post instead. I didn’t really send many thank you text messages out to the people that helped get me here. So listen up. A big thank you to my Executive Board of 2010, that X + L decision we made helped me more than you know. Thank you Aaron for getting me matched to AIESEC Bandung, they are awesome!

To my family, thank you for nagging me about things I had to do. I know deep down it was the fact that you LOVE me and wanted to see me SAFE. I also want to thank you for letting me take this journey myself and supporting me in it. Many families today don’t let their daughter’s step out there front doors without bubble wrapping. To do that, you must have had faith and trust in my ability to take charge of my own life. More than words alone I love you all so much (you too Paul and Kat!)

To my gals, Denyse, Gillian and Marika. Thanks for really supporting me. I loved our little lunches and dinners. I’ll defiantly come back speaking Indonesian Gillian ;) – Milkshake? [The joke with this is: In Indonesian the word for Milk Shake is... Milk Shake – HAHAHAHA! O.o]

Well anyways I see some adaptors up ahead. So I’m going to finish up and go have a look. The next time I right I will be in Indonesian, maybe within my HOST FAMILY’s house. Love you all!!!

XO Shez

Wednesday, December 8, 2010

On Marks! Get Set....

 Currency Exchange!!! (I got my B-Frank! and Rp!)
 Going Away Dinner With Friends (Awwww!)

Getting ready for my overseas travel has been really hard. It's taken a lot of time, it's given me a lot of stress and sometimes I admit I shed a tear or two. However in the last couple of days, all my hard work has really paid off. Since my last blog, my health insurance has come through and with an extra 75$ they can cover my existing medical conditions (yay for me...). I've gotten all my travelling currency and I'm catching up with friends for last minute 'Good Byes'.

I rang the Indonesian Embassy today and my VISA will be ready by tomorrow afternoon. I heard this traveler's tip, which I want to share on my blog. When I actually get into Bandung, I will be putting my passport into a safe deposit box, and keeping with me photo copies of my passport in which can still identify me. Hopefully this will stop me from losing my passport or letting it get stolen :(

My flight is getting closer and closer. Only two sleeps now! So excited, can't wait to put some posts up from actually within Indonesia. Stay tuned. Maybe some more travel tips, maybe some problems I face at the airport [Oh No!]...

Monday, December 6, 2010

Getting Ready To Go!!!

My Suit Case (Ignore My Messy Desk -I'll Defiantly Clean it Before I Go)
The NGO I have Been Matched to in Bandung (How Awesome!!!)

3.5 Days to go and needless to say I am one rather busy bee. My appitite has gone up and down and side ways. Something I contribute to the stress of readying myself for overseas travel. But I'm starting to get excited. I'm ensuring I catch up with friends and spend time with family before I head off on Friday (10/11/2010) for my 7 week internship. I have this growing feeling in my chest. But alas I am a bundle of mixed emotions, all at once I'm feeling nervous, scared, excited, sad, happy, confident, enthusiastic. But when I eventually get to sit down and take a deep breath, my emotions stop bludgeoning my brain, and I get this big grin on my face.

I don't know what this means. I guess I'll find out when I land in Jakarta!!