Monday, January 17, 2011

End of School (December)

You know it's true, Everything I do! I do it for yooooooouuuuuuu!!!!!

Hahahaha! I know random but Aerosmith is playing in the background atm and I couldn't help but share my current background noise with you.

Over 150 Junior High School Students in This Room! (Yes that's my white arm...)

 So as promised here is a blog on the last days of school in December and my trip into Jogja. Talking in schools is sometimes hard. You have to explain things on such a basic level sometimes you feel like your not getting the most relevant things across.

It's hard to find participation - But even the slightest movement of the Hand I'm Infront of You before you can Blink...

But as mention before our main message that Teichi, Barath and I have decided to get across is Global Impact. Environment Issues can be very daunting, especially for the young ones so Techi comes in and shows them the little things they can do as individuals to lower their impact on the environment. Use a personally owned water bottle instead of continuously buying plastic water bottles. Buy a calco bag to continuously use at the shops. I am suprised the students don't know this. 

One of the Biggest Difference Between Indo and Australia is that: Indo has a population of 230 Million... Australia, just 23 million... Add a flood and land slide here and there - thats a lot of death caused through global warming and climate change in Indonesia...

We also congratulate the kids who ride bicycles to school and walk instead of catching carbon producing transport. They are amazed to see there are things they can do to make a change, small things that are so easy to do that can actually make a difference on a big scale. And we emphasis that so much more by coming from Australia (Me), Argentina (Teichi), and India (Barath). 

Talking about the Environment Can Get a Bit Boring so We Like to Spice it Up a Bit with:

When I get up there I ask them: Does the environment in Australia impact the environment in Indonesia? The students answer almost always no. By the time Teichi gets up there and re-explains global impact they understand that the earth, the world itself is one environment, even though we find ourselves in completely different physical surroundings that affect us, we only have one environment. 

Having a Bit of Fun (Beryl took This Photo)
 So without delay, the holidays approached and the classes finished. They have actually started up again this week, however being sick recently with migraines I have been unable to attend. I am excited to start up again with new classes of students - sharing our message with the young and the flexible. 

But before the New Year Began, Barath, Beryl, Me and Leo piled into a car and was driven 12 hours to Jogja... But since I'm about to leave starbucks to go watch a movie and eat some lunch I think I don't have time to write this right now so I'll leave it here. Hope you enjoyed this blog. Comment if you want or become a follower so you know when I make an update.

Miss you all!

Lots of Sheran Love!

xo shez

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